
Table of content

  1. Talents
  2. Projects


Primarily I program for the web. But it wasn’t where I started programming.

During my education (German “Ausbildung”) to an electronics technicians for automation technology I did learn to program in Instruction list to control production pipelines.

After that I (and the web) taught me web-development. First without any library. Then with React and later with Preact.

On the server side I started with Express.js and I’m learning Ruby and Ruby on Rails. While my database expertise is primarily in PouchDB, CouchDB and SQLite.

I also did program a small iOS app in Swift. However I did never release it. And I’m a beginner in Java and Rust.


This Blog

The best way to learn something is to use it.
Thats why I started building this blog. To learn Ruby on Rails.

I want it be conform to the IndieWeb. But it should mostly be a place to experiment. Something I have lacked until now.


usePouchDB is a collection of React Hooks to access local PouchDB Databases.

It is intended to be a puzzle piece in replacing the deprecated CouchApps. And also to make working with PouchDB and CouchDB easier in React Apps.

Every hook corresponds to a PouchDB method. It has the same options and result type. But a different name. A name that is more in the spirit of hooks. For example: PouchDB’s method to load a single document (JSON-Object) db.get(id) becomes useDoc(id).
Additionally every hook subscribes to changes, and updates it’s result to represent the new state in the database.

usePouchDB is entirely written in Typescript.

It's documentation is maybe the most extended I have written. Which is hosted at it's GitHub Page.


A plugin for Hoodie that adds methods to add, read, update and delete encrypted documents and enable end-to-end encryption.

I used this package to learn test-driven-development and maintaining a package, that is published on npm. It was originally intended to be only a part of an other project of mine (Andromeda-Viewer), but I quickly recognized that it would be of good use for others.

Schichtkalender (shift-calendar)

Hosted at schichtkalender-rt.vercel.app.

A unofficial shift-calendar for Bosch in Reutlingen.

The original version is one of my oldest projects. But I realized, that it would be easier to re-write it than update it.

With the new version I focused almost exclusively on a mobile experience. With a release size of 459kb (the JS bundle with 94,51kb no gzip) I’m on a good way.

It is a PWA and would pass as JAMstack, but without a API-backend. At the moment it is only in German (because it is a utility app for my work). With it I learned a lot about making a web-app accessible for people with little to almost no computer knowledge.

And with more then 1000 daily users, is this also my most successful project.

schichtkalender-rt.vercel.app schichtkalender-rt.vercel.app  with open menu


Small web-client for connecting to the virtual worlds of Second Life and OpenSimulator.

This is my project where I can grow many of my talents!