Bookmarked: Microsoft 1998 = Apple 2024
Microsoft 1998 = Apple 2024
What did decline after the settlement of the DOJ and EU trials was Microsoft’s browser market share — a fact which some commentators would have you believe is a complete coincidence and nothing whatever to do with governments forcing Microsoft to stop being an abusive monopolist.
Earlier this year I had a small bug in my homepage. It caused a 100% usage of the cpu and an increase of 1gb of the log files. This is how I fixed it.
Bookmarked: Nested border radii
Nested border radii
Outer radius = inner radius + padding diff.
I love it, when you can use easy to follow rules for styling! And what a difference it makes!
Bookmarked: The A11y Project
The A11y Project
Accessibility is important. But often neglected.
Many tutorials don't teach it. But this is a community-driven to make it easier.
I moved my blog from Jekyll on Github to a self hosted Ruby on Rails app. Here is how I setup my server.
usePouchDB is a React Hooks package to query PouchDB data (and subscribe to them) in your React Components.
What is in store for hoodie-plugin-store-crypto?
How strait forward is it to publish a npm package.
Why you too should visit a programming conference!